+7 (8332) 52-66-33


Liniment Intrasan is an external medicinal product for milking animals intended for:

  • treatment of asymptomatic and serous mastitis as monotherapy;
  • increasing the efficiency and reducing the duration of complex therapy for catarrhal and purulent-catarrhal mastitis;
  • prevention of severe forms of mastitis and chronic mastitis.

In monotherapy:

- inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora, without causing its resistance

- has a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect

- improves microcirculation of blood in tissues

- has an analgesic effect (like anesthetics)

- removes metabolic products, casein clots

- can provide a soft reparative regeneration of damaged tissues, that helps to restore the normal functioning of the udder parenchyma

- normalizes local immunity

- compensate for iodine deficiency in the body

In complex therapy:

- increases the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to antibiotics

- reduces the development of antibiotic-resistant microflora

- increases the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs

- inhibits the growth of pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida (prevention of mycotic mastitis)

- prevents seals and atrophy of udder tissues

Unique composition

Intrasan is the first, external medicinal anti-mastitis drug that has no comparable counterparts in Russia.

The effectiveness of the drug is provided due to the complex - "Dimexidum — potassium iodide".

Due to the synergetic effect of the active substances in the composition of the Intrasan drug, penetrating deeply into the affected tissues of the udder and the bloodstream (unlike intramammary preparations), it inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora (including fungi), provides active resorption of inflammations, reduces puffiness, and removes toxic products. and casein clots, helps to restore the tissues of the udder parenchyma.

Clinically proven efficiency

Rapid recovery of productivity:

• therapeutic efficacy of latent forms of mastitis - more than 90% 1

• therapeutic efficacy of the serous form of mastitis - up to 100% 1

• therapeutic efficacy of a complicated catarrhal form of mastitis in complex therapy with antibiotics - more than 90% 1

• short treatment duration in comparison with traditional regimens (similar to antibiotic therapy) - up to 4 days1

• the greatest recovery of productivity after treatment in comparison with traditional regimens - more than 96% 1

1According to the reviews of experts of agricultural enterprises, who have been using the drug Intrasan for a long time

High security

Free of antibiotics and hormones

Has no contraindications and side effects

There is no waiting period for milk and meat

Safe for the natural microflora of the udder


  • Dimethyl sulfoxide

  • Auxiliary substances

  • Potassium iodide

  • Distilled water

Mode of application

After milking, 20-30 g of the drug is applied to the skin of each affected parts of the udder in an even thin layer, rubbing lightly.

Frequency of application - 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours.

In acute mastitis, the duration of treatment is 3 to 7 days.If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after 2 weeks. Repeated courses of treatment enhance the effect of the drug, without forming addiction and overdose.

In the treatment of latent and serous forms of mastitis, it is used as a means of monotherapy, in the treatment of catarrhal and purulent-catarrhal forms of mastitis, the application of the drug is accompanied by simultaneous intramammary or injections of antibiotic-containing drugs in accordance with the instructions for their use.


Plastic jars and buckets  200 g, 800 g


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