History of Ltd “Farmaks”
Today Ltd “Farmaks”” is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Kirov Region for the production of veterinary drugs. The enterprise produces over 100 types of veterinary preparations in various forms: solid, soft and liquid.
There are over 200 employees. For the high professionalism and long term dedicated work, many employees were awarded with the Letter of thanks, diplomas of the Government of the Kirov region and the Department of Agriculture and Food of Kirov region.
Ltd “Farmaks” is confident in the future. Within the framework of the strategic development, a planned modernization of production lines takes place, technologies are being improved, the range and volume of products is increased, and compliance with the world quality standards is provided.
- the package design of Farmavit Neo vitamin and mineral complexes has been updated - the design style has become brighter, more attractive and modern, information about the properties of the supplement has become more noticeable and easier to understand. The package updating is timed to coincide with the 30th Anniversary of the Farmavit Neo trademark;
- the range of pet care products has been expanded. The line of shampoos COME ALONG TO WALK! is available in a new mini-pack - 60 ml bottle;
- a new position has been added to the line of vitamin-mineral complexes Vit-Active - BrewersPlus Brewer's yeast for cats and dogs in a convenient tableted form.
- the range of daily care products for farm animals has been expanded. The product line of Zorka creams with extracts is available in a convenient package - 200 ml tube.
- the design of the packaging of the hygiene product Tonic and Regenerative Milk has been changed. The product is available in a new 250 ml bottle with disc-top lid and new label.
- package design has been updated, as well as the range of pet care products Come Along to Walk! was expanded: a shampoo for washing paws Come Along to Walk with convenient pump dispenser hit the market.
- start of production of the vitamin-mineral complex Vit-Active. The unique composition of the complex is enhanced with phytonutrients: natural antioxidants and natural prebiotics.
- the range of products for farm animals has been expanded. New trademarks: Cooling and heating agent; toniс and recovery milk; Kubavet D (natural antiseptic agent based on birch bark tar).
- NPP “Farmaks” has certified the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001:2015 and updated the safety management system in accordance with the requirements of the updated version of GOST R ISO 22000-2019.
- NPP "Farmaks" has received a conclusion on the compliance of production with the requirements of the international GMP standard. This is further proof of the quality of the company's products, the safety and efficiency of production processes.
- establishment of the Trading House «Farmaks”- an official sales representative of Ltd “Farmaks”. The main goal and mission of the trading house is to provide consumers with high-quality, natural and affordable pet products.
- Ltd “Farmaks” is one of the first companies among manufacturers of feed additives for pet and farm animals that received a food safety management system certificate GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (complies with the international standard ISO 22000: 2005).
- start of manufacturing of vitaminized treats Omega Neo + for cats, dogs, domestic rodents and decorative birds. Treats contain unique for Russian market complex of biologically active substances - chondroprotector (glucosamine) and omega-3 fatty acids.
- start of nitrogen packaging technology using. Creating a nitrogen environment prevents from oxidation of product components, which allows it to maintain useful properties and taste for a longer period of time.
- start of manufacturing of functional feed “Zoocomfort” to control unpleasant odors from cats, dogs, ferrets and rodents.
- development and manufacturing of vitaminized treats "Village Treats Vita" for cats and dogs under the order of “Adresnik” company.

- completion of the additional finished products storage with a total area of 450 m2
- development and production, by order of the Italian company FARMINA, of the feed additive for cats and dogs "Vit-Active" for further active promotion to the markets of the Asia-Pacific region and Europe.
- start of the production of feed additive "Farmavit Active" - the first domestic vitamin and mineral complex with fruit enzymes.
- according to the results of the conclusion of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, the Center for Standardization and Metrology, surveys of market experts and customers, Ltd “Farmaks” was awarded the “Consumer Confidence Certificate”.
- introduction to the market of a new generation feed supplement used for the normalization of the intestinal microflora of dogs and cats - the "Evitalia-Vet" synbiotic. The additive was developed by the "Probiotika" company together with Ltd “Farmaks”.
- Ltd “Farmaks” was awarded with The Letter of thanks of the Government of Kirov region (the order of the Government of Kirov region dated May 6, 2013) for contribution to the development of the economy of Kirov region and active work on the creation of new technologies for the production of reliable and effective veterinary medicinal products.
- purchase of a land property for the construction of an industrial site in accordance with the GMP standard. The total area of the site is about 4 hectares.
- start of the production of the first Russian anti-mastitis drug for external use “Intrasan”.
- start of the production of a safe and effective product "Zorka" Soft Protection" on the base of chlorhexidine meant for the treatment of nipples of milk animals’ udder after milking. From 2012 to 2016 years the product line was expanded due to the brining in of new positions: "Zorka" Active Protection" based on iodine for the treatment of the udder nipple AFTER milking and" Zorka "Purity Index" - product for processing of the udder before milking.
- start of the production of protective wax "Come along to walk!" for paws of dogs. From 2009 to 2016 the range of goods under trade mark " Come along to walk!" was expanded. At the moment, the range of goods under the trade mark "Come along to walk!" includes: protective wax, nourishing cream, soaps in solid and liquid forms, wet wipes, hygienic shampoos and bags for walking of dogs, balm-conditioner.
- start of the production of the drug "Gempotin" - a unique drug with a wide spectrum of action based on the extract of black poplar buds.
- start of the production of natural biologically active additive "Biocorrector RD". The additive solves complexly the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and allergies of cats and dogs.
- a conclusion of a distribution agreement with “NVP Astrafarm” Ltd and “NPK SkiFF” Ltd, which produce:
bihormonal contraceptive preparations (“Sex Barrier”, ContrSex Neo, Gestrenol)
antiparasitic and insectoacaricidal drugs (BlochNet max, Prazitel, Vermidin, IN-AP complex).
2001 -
- establishment of the Trade house “Astrafarm”. Trade House "Astrafarm" is a trade representative of the Research-and-production enterprise "Farmaks", of scientific-production company "SKiFF" and scientific-innovative enterprise "Astrafarm".
- start of the production of multivitamin treat "Omega Neo" for cats, dogs, birds and rodents. "Omega Neo" - the first and the only domestic treat, containing essential fatty acids of Omega-3 class.
- an agreement was concluded with the French company Ceva Sante Animal for the contract production of vitamin-mineral supplement "Seva-useful pleasure".
- an agreement was concluded with the company "Zolotaya Rybka" (St. Petersburg) for the contract production of multivitamin treat "Doctor Zoo"
- start of the export shipments of the veterinary drugs to the Republic of Belarus. Starting from 2002, the products of Ltd “Farmaks” had been shipped to the countries of the Customs Union and Russia's neighboring states (Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Tajikistan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Armenia).
- start of the production of the vitamin-mineral complex "Farmavit Neo" for cats and dogs, birds and rodents in the form of tablets and granules.
- moving to our own 6-storied building. The total area of the building is 6830 m2. Production laboratories, research laboratory, quality service laboratories, warehouses, support services, administrative and managerial staff were placed in the new building.
- start of the output of "Zorka" cream with floralazine. The developer of the substance -floralizine is a full member of the International Academy of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor L.M. Bragintseva. Ltd “Farmaks” is the only company in Russia and in the world, that produces Zorka cream with floralizine.
- start of the production of "Biogel 5" for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and "Biogel 10" for the prevention and treatment of obstetric and gynecological disorders. For high quality and efficiency, the products were awarded by Russian State Standard with the Platinum Quality Mark of the 21st Century.
- start of the output of the first domestic multivitamin product "Vitokarnivor" (later - "Farmavit Neo") for domestic and farm animals. According to experts, the vitamin-mineral complex "Farmavit Neo" is one of the most famous vitamin complexes in the market of vitamins for animals.
- start of the production of the drug "Denatured emulsified placenta" (PDE) - a unique tissue product made of a healthy human placenta. It is produced by patented technology. For the high quality and efficiency for many years, PDE is being awarded the Gold and Platinum Quality Marks by the State Standard of Russia.
- establishment of CJSC “Farmaks”.