+7 (8332) 52-66-33


Предприятие «Фармакс» на выставке животноводства и птицеводства в Республике Казахстан

04 August 2017

“Farmaks” enterprise takes part at the Livestock Farming and Poultry Breeding Exhibition in the Republic of Kazakhstan

From June 28th to 30th, “Farmaks” enterprise participated in the II International Specialized Exhibition of Livestock and Poultry Breeding "AGRIANIMALS.KZ-2017", which took place in the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Astana.

Начинаются продажи жидких средств для обработки вымени ДО и ПОСЛЕ доения ТМ Зорька фасовкой 1 л

20 July 2017

Start of sales of liquid goods used for processing of udder Before and After milking – TM Zorka packed per 1 l.

Since July 2017, Farmaks enterprise has started selling of liquid products for processing of udder Before and After milking, TM Zorka with 1 liter packing.

Акция «Регистрируй код – выиграй приз!»

11 July 2017

Special offer “Register code- gain prize”

Since July 15, "Farmaks" enterprise starts promotion action for buyers of functional feed Zoocomfort against unpleasant odors.

Новинка! Бальзам-кондиционер для собак и кошек АЙДА ГУЛЯТЬ! в мини упаковке

22 May 2017

New! Balsam -conditioner for dogs and cats Come along to Walk! in mini packaging

We start the sales of balsam – conditioner for dogs and cats Come along to Walk! in mini packing.

«НПП «Фармакс» на выставке в рамках XXV Московского международного ветеринарного конгресса

26 April 2017

"NPP “Farmaks" at the exhibition within the framework of the 25th Moscow International Veterinary Congress

April 22-24, 2017, “Farmaks” company took part in a specialized exhibition within the framework of the 25th Moscow International Veterinary Congress.

Рыбий жир фасовкой 5 л

24 April 2017

Fish oil packed per 5 l.

NPP “Farmaks” sells feed additive Fish oil in handled polymer 5-liter bottles

Предприятие «Фармакс» на собрании глав крестьянских (фермерских) хозяйств Кировской области

12 April 2017

“Farmaks” enterprise is at the meeting of the heads of the peasant (farm) enterprises of the Kirov region

On April 6, 2017, Farmaks enterprise participated in the meeting of heads of peasant (farms) enterprises of Kirov region, that took place as part of the business program of the specialized exhibition AgroVyatka.

Йодинол, Рыбий жир и Деготь берестовый в новых ПЭТ-флаконах

10 April 2017

Iodinol, Fish oil and birch bark tar packed in new РЕТР flacons

We started sales of goods in new РЕТР flacons In April 2017

Новинка! Zоокомфорт – функциональный корм от неприятных запахов

06 April 2017

New! Zoocomfort - functional feed against unpleasant odors.

Zoocomfort is the first Russian functional feed against unpleasant odors for cats, dogs, ferrets, rodents.


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