+7 (8332) 52-66-33

Cooling and heating agent

Cooling and heating agent is an external symptomatic counter-irritant of double (cooling and warming) action.


- to eliminate edema, inflammation and congestive phenomenon in tissues

- to accelerate the recovery processes in tissues

- to relieve fatigue, overexertion in muscles and ligaments and to accelerate the elimination of lactic acid from them


- in the complex therapy of various forms of mastitis with hot edema of the udder

- with inflammatory processes in muscles and ligaments (myositis, tendovaginitis, arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, etc.)

- with bruises, sprains and myoedema of muscles and ligaments

- after vigorous exercises

Effective composition


has a distracting cooling and calming effect, reduces fatigue and strain in muscles and ligaments

Balsam turpentine oil

has a distracting warming effect, stimulates blood circulation in the area of ​​application, eliminating congestion in tissues


helps to reduce edema and inflammations, reduces pain

Clinically proven efficiency

The results of the use of a cooling and heating agent in the elimination of udder edema as part of complex therapy with intramammary preparations of catarrhal, serous and catarrhal-purulent mastitis *:

• the speed and efficiency of elimination of edema and signs of inflammation in the complex treatment of catarrhal forms of mastitis is above the level of traditional ointments

• therapeutic efficiency was 80% from 1 to 3 days of use, which is 55% higher than in the case of using only intramammary drugs; 30% higher than with the use of ichthyol-based ointment; higher by 20% than with the use of ointment based on pine balsam

• therapeutic efficacy was 90% from 4 to 6 days of use

* Based on the results of testing the effectiveness of Cooling and heating agent at agricultural enterprises

Convenience of application

• Simple application schemes

• Easy to spread, quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy and sticky feeling on the skin

• Consumption is 1.5 times less than that of traditional ointments (based on pine balsam and ichthyol)


• Does not contain camphor, dyes and fragrances

• Does not affect milk quality

• There is no waiting period for milk and meat

• Has no contraindications and side effects


  • Menthol

  • Methyl salicylate

  • Balsam turpentine oil

Mode of application

15-20 g of the product is applied to the problem area 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days, then as needed

When applied to the udder, apply after each milking.

After vigorous exercises, it is used in combination with massage


 Polymeric jars 230 ml


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